Online registration is now open for all session.
Early bird discount ends April 30 for all sessions
All overnight CRYC sessions have a maximum capacity of 44 girls and 44 boys. When these limits are reached, any additional applicants will be placed on a waiting list. Applicants who choose to bring their camp application with them the first day of camp rather than registering online will not be guaranteed a place for their respective camp session should the session already be full. Online registration will not be finalized until full payment is received. If you have any questions regarding 2025 summer camp application, email Gary Money at [email protected]. Early Bird discount of $10 will be applied if registration is completed and paid by April 30th.
Please submit ONE registration form. Gary will send you an invoice for payment as soon as possible thru PayPal. Once payment is received your registration will be complete and you will received another email confirming your child's registration. This email will also include important information concerning your chosen session. We look forward to having all the kids out this year.